Sunday, December 10, 2006

Victorian Bushfire Lul

Have a thought for all those volunteers who are giving up their time to combat these bushfires like we haven't seen for many,many years. The temperature sored above 40Deg yesterday
Threats from bushfires engulfing Victoria's north and east eased today, but exhausted firefighters have little chance for rest as they prepare for a second onslaught later in the week. Fires which raged as a cool change swept across the state very early today abated as winds dropped off, but the fires are expected to burn for months. No private property has been lost. Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) spokesman Kevin Monk said the DSE and Country Fire Authority (CFA) now had two days to construct and strengthen control lines around houses and properties before conditions heated up again. Rising temperatures and strengthening winds have been forecast for Wednesday and Thursday. "We're just over one hump, that's the first one but it's only December 11 and our worst fire conditions are usually in January and February so, if this burns the same way as the 2003 alpine fires which went for two months, we've got a big challenge ahead of us," Mr Monk said. The fire has burned through 250,000 hectares and was now 12-20km south of the Thomson Catchment which supplies 60 per cent of Melbourne's water. Bulldozers are in the area extending control lines and backburning.

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