Monday, February 19, 2007

VK3IP Jack Swainger

My dear, dear friend, Jack Vk3IP passed away in his sleep at the Anglis Hospital in FernTree Gully, Australia,last Friday. I had known Jack for many many years. He used to call me milly and my friend Graeme Moss, judy. Why? very simply my ham radio callsign back then was Vk3Mil and Moss'ies was Vk3Jud.. We both learned a lot from Jack about Ameteur radio and life from Jack. Always there to help. The stories he used to proudly tell us of making his first valve radio transmitter and the qso's he had around the world will live with me.He maintained contact with friends he had made in the UK and around the world for close on 50 years untill that "bloody static and s9 noise", not to be deterred he got used to operating a computer and packet radio, then email.He used to amaze me retiring from work early due to ill health, he passed away age 86. His many interests kept him stimulated and active, photography, gardening, painting of course ham radio untill the last couple of years. RIP Jack
